Harry Potter Studios

Since the Harry Potter Studio Tour opened in London way back in 2012 it has been a goal of mine to go, six years later, I finally went!

I can honestly say it was the most breathtaking experience. As someone that is highly into Media it was extremely motivating. We opted for the tickets that included a digital tour and a paper souvenir at the end, it is fully worth it. 
We drove to the location, but you can also catch a Harry Potter themed bus from Watford Junction, which would be exciting too.

The whole tour takes around three hours to get through, and we have a set time on your booking that you can enter. Our time slot was 2.30 but once you’ve gone through the theatre, you’re in and you can take your time looking through everything. There is a lot of sections to look through so make sure you wear comfortable shoes, and don’t do what I did- I got too excited by everything and ran from area to area.. kindly being reminded by my boyfriend to slow down and take my time because I missed some digital guide. He lead me back to where I got distracted and we slowed down. For someone that has watched the box set on repeat from the get go, it is an adrenaline of emotions. 

I don’t want to be THAT person and upload all the photos and ruin it for those of you that haven’t been so I will try my best to keep the pictures at bay but I apologise if I do ruin it for you, I’m still very excited about the whole experience. 

As you walk down towards the tour a long wall of famous quotes and steps from the Marauders Map leads you down to the cafe, souvenir shop and the entrance to the hall.
Another tip from an overexcited impatient person, go to the toilet before you enter as the bathroom isn’t until the 11th or 12th section. 

There are so many props and sets layer out throughout the tour, listening to the digital guid explains the set, what scenes were most popular and also includes knowledge of things you wouldn’t have noticed in the films. For instance, in the common room there was a pin board of artwork that the actors drew. 
This clock was huge, I mean floor to ceiling huge. The detail and creativity within each individual prop is incredible, each made especially for each movie. Some of the props are barely even seen in the films but still have a huge impact on the atmosphere of the scene.

Now for some pictures of ~mainly me~ throughout the day.

To answer, in my opinion, of the debate of all time IS BUTTERBEER NICE? 
I would side with the yes team. It is sweet, like a vanilla flavour fizzy drink. The froth was my favourite part, but bear in mind it is very sickly. I got the souvenir cup because, why not? And I couldn’t finish it- coming from miss sweet tooth over here. 

This was where the cafe was, where you could purchase food and sit down before the next section started. We ate before coming in so wasn’t very hungry but couldn’t pass off a chance to try butterbeer.

This set was outside the cafe, you could take a little peak inside the Knight bus and then go into privet drive- although Harry’s understair cupboard wasn’t open, it was desolated before the tour began. 

The next section is filled with all the characters that were made specially for the films, like the creatures, dragons, mermaids and of course Hagrid was the best part of it. The detail into each and every centimetre of each piece that was made was amazing, it must’ve taken so much time and precision to produce such outstanding pieces. 

As someone that is creative and into design, I for one was extremely excited by this part of the tour. Seeing the development and designs of the pieces that were sketched. This is the paper layout of Hogwarts....

And for the main event ....

It looked phenomenal. I had no words, the little glass windows and each tiny brick looked so realistic and carefully made to represent the castle in a 360 degrees model . 

On the way out each individual wand like box had a name on, in what I can only guess is the list of every person that was part of the creation of the movies. This went across all four walls of the room, from top to bottom. 

It lead us the the back of the souvenir shop, where we picked ourselves up some chocolate frogs. If I wasn’t so skint, as per usual, I would have bought so much more. Especially the last books I need for the collection. Hogwarts : A History. The character vaults, Quittich through the ages etc. But I do reccomed buying from the shop AFTER the tour, otherwise you will be carrying everything around for three + hours.

If you’ve been, what was your favourite part?! If you haven’t, GO! It is worth every penny. 

Lots of love,

Jacqueline xx


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