Support and Reassurance


Something I have incorporated into my every day life is support, wither its receiving or giving.
I believe a little support can change someones current state, even if its just a 'You're doing amazing keep going' message. Over the past 5 years meeting people on my social media websites has become an incredible life changing journey. I have met some inspiring, incredible people (as well as some evil, mean people but we will forget about them because they're not worth it) and I am forever grateful for one person in particular, Ruby. Ruby has been my best friend via twitter since 2011 and she has been a massive help in my life, supporting me through the good and the bad and i haven't even met her before ( hopefully we are meeting this summer). And she has given me more support than most people I live with/around and I am eternally grateful to have met her, even if it is only via technology (for now).

What Im aiming to share with you on this post is some helpful tips i have come across while trying to make myself happy and get out of the sadness I have been living in for the past 5-6 years.

Firstly- Its obvious- UNFOLLOW ALL THE NEGATIVE PEOPLE. Please, I cant stress enough how much this will effect you, don't worry about 'losing followers' they're USELESS TO YOU. Their posts crawl into your head without you even realizing and slowly drag you down and before you know it you're in the same depressive state they are all in.
If you suffer from a mental illness and you follow other people with mental illnesses that post negative things non stop, then you're just going to get dragged into their thoughts and feelings. xPlease, just unfollow every single person that is negative. You'll be grateful in the end.
Secondly- Follow people that have the same interest and hobbies are you! A good example is if you love a singer / actress search their name and follow their fan base accounts, if you love blogging search your specific blog type and follow people that share their interest!
I CANT EMPHASIZE HOW MUCH THIS REALLY DOES HELP. This week alone I have been happier than I have been online in FOREVER, I see people writing about positive happy things, interesting things that I love instead of sad, depressing suicidal tweets. It really does make a difference. They may not follow you back, but who cares, you have their positivity on your timeline and your passion across your feed instead of things you don't need in your life.

1- Tidy! clean out all the things you don't use or need, and clean your room from tip to toe! You will feel so fresh and less stressed because everything is organised and spacious!
2- Put up Fairy Lights and Positive posters/ notes! With the support you get from people jot down your fav quotes and create cute little sticky notes around your mirror or print your favorite ones from online and put them up so you can be reminded from the moment you wake up that you are worth every bit of happiness!

Talk to people that make you happy. Having people in your life that bring you down and feed you negativity will not get you anywhere, their negative comments will build up in your mind and explode like a volcano and you'll become a ball of sadness.
TREAT PEOPLE HOW YOU WANT TO BE TREATED. Im live by this, you cant expect to be treated good if you treat bad so please be kind, be supportive and be positive. If you praise other people, and help other people its highly likely that you will become friends and BAM one positive person to be around. The more positive people you're around the easier it'll be!

Although everyone wishes to be this, its NOT possible, my boyfriend always says 'no one is happy all the time' 'you can be positive and happy all the time' its so true, its just not possible. You can look at someone and make yourself believe that they live the happiest life, but in reality they don't, you just see what they let you. If you look at your inspiration you'd think they live the best life and they're happy all the time? THEYRE MORE THAN LIKELY TO SIT CRYING IN THEIR ROOM JUST LIKE WE DO. I know that's a very straight forward thing to say but, its reality. We all want to live a fairy tale life and to NEVER worry about anything, but everyone needs a little worry and down days to realize how lucky they are and how far they've come ect ect. Im not saying you can't be happy for longer than a certain amount of times, you can be happy for a long period of time, you just cant be happy every single second of the day, every day.

even if you're feeling low. 
Helping other people is one of the most satisfying uplifting things. Your message can help improve someones day don't you think that's incredible? I love trying to make people happy, I want everyone to get rid of all their sad negativity and be happy as much as they possibly can, the world will be a much better place to live in (instead of this competitive cruel world we are currently in) Id like to spread around positivity and my support to as many people as possible, as do many other people. And I AM AWARE I DONT HAVE A MAGICAL CURE I CANT FIX PEOPLE I CANT RECOVER PEOPLE WITH A MESSAGE but I can help steer them in the right direction and so can you .

As I become more comfortable with blogging and it comes a bit more natural rather than spending hours of my day noting down tips, reading blogs I love, doing research and getting hair inspiration ( If you love hair please help me, I need a new style and everything, send me links to your fav hair styles thank you)

                                       I H A V E A P R O J E C T - it'll require me, and you.
Hopefully soon It'll kick off, I could even start now but Id like to build myself a profile before I start this so what I want to do isn't weird and creepy (more will be revealed over the next few months, hopefully)


You probably have a few people you literally want to be like, right? BUT YOU'RE YOU. THERE'S A HIGH CHANCE PEOPLE WANT TO BE YOU TOO. I know its a hard thing to remember or accept, but everyone has things that other people love about them. Just because they are not highlighted 0940394 times a day ( like they should be because you're all wonderful ) it doesn't mean they are not there. Your mind blocks out all the good things about yourself and focuses on the negative so you're forever sat thinking 'why am I me why cant I be her/him'  I for one do this probably daily still, its habit, we are evolving into a society where its promoted to look a certain way and dress with the most expensive brands and be as thin as possible in order to look good, ITS WRONG ITS ALL CRAP AND WE CAN CHANGE IT. Although i must admit this year I have noticed  a lot more publicity on being proud of your image and embracing yourself which is something I wish will expand over time so it puts all the 'be thin don't eat' press out of the window and everyone can learn to love themselves and be happy with who they are and what they look like. I have met so many online people who hate who they are over the last 5 years and its awfully heartbreaking. I want to hug you all and make you all see that your mind is wrong and you are beautiful and you don't have to harm yourself in anyway to be 'perfect' because the harm you're doing to yourself is causing more problems than you need, and you're worth more than that. If I was able to sit and talk to every single person in the world that was suffering I would love to, Id love to be able to be a figure that helps people grow and blossom into a big ball of confidence and self love, instead of watching people I have grown to care about harm themselves and want to die because of their image, it makes me extremely heartbroken that this even exists in humanity.

This is my Favorite saying, because people make out they cant just get up and do what they want because of a silly excuse and it makes me want to shake you and tell you,YOU CAN DO ANYTHING, WHENEVER.
If you love something, do it. NOW. If you want to wear something, wear it. Why wont you? because you think someone will stare or make fun of you? Even if they do stare, or make fun they will forget about it, and you will feel happy for doing something you wanted.
If you want to do vlogs/ blogs but you're too scared of being judged, START RIGHT NOW. You will have more supporters in your environment than haters, ALWAYS. No matter what situation.
I've been on the big wide web since 2009, ive had my fair share of 'kill yourself' 'your fat' 'hate you' repetitive hate, but it nothing compared to the love support friendships and achievements I have received. For every negative thing there really is a million positives, and you really need to remember the goods more than the bads because you'll just end up holding yourselves back. There are more lovely people in this world than evil, THANKFULLY. You just have to remove all the horrible people from your life and surround yourself with kind, loving people instead. Even if they're online and you're across the other side of the world, you still mean something to that person, you're still apart of their lives and they love you. ( Love you Ruby )

I've literally rambled on and on. I'm really sorry if at some point I lost you and you don't understand anything that ive written, but I just want you all to know that no one is ever alone, you may feel it but there will always be at least one person there for you ( ME I CAN BE THAT ONE) so keep fighting, highlight your positive things in life and be free.

If you're ever feeling low take yourself out of the situation, go light some candles and have a bath, put on loud music and sing your favorite song, move get up do something. Go message someone that you love and talk to them, not specifically about whats wrong if you don't want to but talk to someone, distract yourself. Don't ever just sit there and sit in your sorrows, get rid of them, make them go away. At first it may be hard to get yourself up but once you're up you're up so you may as well carry on. I fully believe that you just have to do things as soon as they come to your mind, sometimes its hard to actually get out of bed but just remember you are in control and you can do anything at any point, if you think 'ah I want to do yoga' GO AND DO IT, GET A YOUTUBE VID UP/ A YOGA MAT AND DO IT. There really is nothing that's stopping you, apart from yourself! Turn your dreams into reality and do what you want instead of coming up with excuses 'I woke up late' 'I cant because...' yes you can!! they're just excuses. You need to push yourself to change if you want to, go go go go go.

Id just like to point out I have had NO professional help and I am not fully recovered or even happy for a full day yet, so I am recovering and changing with you all, too. None of what I have written has been said to me or anything by anyone that's in a profession, I am doing this all by myself (with the help of my friends and family) the main reason for this is because THE NHS/MENTAL HEALTH TEAMS/DOCTORS ARE UTTERLY SHIT AND UNCARING IF YOU ARE NOT LITERALLY DYING AND THAT'S SICK AND NEEDS TO CHANGE. Id like to quickly throw in that If you don't get support by a professional even if you have asked don't beat yourself up about it, you're still worth the help you're still worth life and I know from experience how heartbreaking and mind boggling it is to be turned away by support that you NEED. And if they're not going to help you then please at least help yourself, in the hand of someone that loves you. You can do it I promise, It will be a lot of 'trial and error' finding a way that helps you most but it'll all be worth it just to one day be able to say 'I made it'. One day I decided I have had enough of the life I was leading and the horrible fears and bad habits I had developed and decided to change them.
We are all human and we all have a reason to be alive and we all need to realize that we are important to people. I personally have ruined (obviously not self inflicted) pretty much my whole teenage years and Its time to change, its time to be healthy and love things. And id LOVE to encourage everyone else to chose to change and try and get themselves healthy happy and face the world with their full life, instead of sitting in their bedroom unhappy and low every day, you wont get those years back you probably wont get the opportunities you have ever again, so grab everything you're faced with, with  two hands and get on with it with your whole heart.
Im not saying wake up and eat three meals a day with snacks and everything, im not saying go out into a crowded place, (those are just examples, basically don't throw yourself in the deep end just yet) take it in steps you're comfortable with, but make it also a little challenging so you have achieved something that day. And every day you have pushed yourself that little step forward you have come further and further than you ever thought you would, some days you'll feel like you've got no where and you're unhappy but you've done incredibly well and you should be proud of yourself for taking that first step. Even after a week of challenging yourself you have come further than you would have, and even if it doesn't seem like it but you have come far already, dont turn back. ever. you're worth this happiness and you need to start living your life.
Again I am sorry for the long babbling post but I have had it up for about three hours now adding and changing little bits to try and get enough little things that came to my mind before I decide to post this.

I love everyone and wish you all happiness, and positive surroundings and I am always a message away, even if its a facebook, email dm, comment just come say hi and I will reply.

  Love and Hugs 

Remember to stay strong, youre worth a lively life x


  1. Just got super emotional reading this post. It is so so lovely and will be so beneficial to so many people. It shares positivity and how to help yourself and it's just amazing. LOVELY LOVELY post, whenever I'm down I will be reading this words to pick myself up x

    1. I hope so, I want more people to realize that they are worth the change, aw im glad you liked it, always message me when you need remember that xxx

  2. Wow, what a strong and positive message! 'Just do it' really rang true for me- I've just started blogging and I'm so nervous about sharing it with the world, but it's what I want to do. Your attitude is admirable and I wish you all the best.
    Jennifer x

    1. Just share it lovely, pretend its your own little diary (link me to any of your posts Ill be happy to read them) you'll do fantastic, if you do something you love the passion will shine through.

      thank you so much, good luck with your blogging youll do great xxx

  3. Such an inspiring post! It motivates people and has really helped me. Life is a big struggle but if we spread the positivity maybe it will pick up x

    1. Thank you, Everyone needs a positive boost once in a while! hope youre doing ok xxxx

  4. 'no one is happy all the time' actually you read my mind.. So true! Thank you for this amazing be honest , your every post makes me happy. God bless you angel x

    1. as much as we all wish to be unfortunately its unrealistic.. aw im so happy to hear that!!! youre a star thank you so much xxx

  5. I enjoyed reading all of this and I agree, you have to make changes to your life in order to stay happy and positive. I've personally had a lot of help from the NHS, I was scheduled in for CBT sessions within 3 weeks but I also know a lot of other people who have been treated unfairly too which is a shame. Hope you are well, Jacqueline. Sending you positive vibes! xxx

    1. ah thats ok then it was a rather long post. You have to go out and get things in life or you wont get what you need and want!

      youre ever so lucky to have recieved the help you need and I hope you are nearly at the end of the journey out of the hell.
      sending love and positivity your way angel xxxx


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