Healthy Changes

JULY 16TH 2014 

 last post copied from my old blog :-)

I'm getting used to this blogging thing, I even have a few ideas jotted down for new blogs to write! eeeeek
I've decided today to write about my healthy changes, and how they've helped recently.
First things first

I've always struggled with spots, since I was about thirteen. and lately I have had relatively clear skin!! I have started drinking 2 L of water a day, and I think this has had a huge impact on it. I've had compliments from my boyfriend and my work friends that I look like in 'full of colour' and 'glowing' and it's made me feel happy, and because my skin is clear I DONT NEED FOUNDATION, BONUS.
(I'm not a major make up fan)

Healthy eating-
don't get me wrong when you look at 'healthy eating' you imagine fruit, veg, salads, but actually.. I've been having a lot of 'cheat days' as well. I haven't got the hang of just eating healthy and having ONE cheat day yet. slowly but surely getting there, even though I've still been having unhealthy food most days as well as healthy- I think that's helped the way I look, I used to eat a whole bag of sweets and chocolate every day and now I don't think I could manage to do that right now. 💁

I'm not good at exercise, ask me to run with you or do squats daily and I'm out.
I'd rather do Zumba for half an hour!
although I ride to work about 4/7 days of the week I still consider that as exercise, wouldn't you??!
lately, yoga has been popping up all over the place, it looks relaxing and appealing, but where to start?!
If you have any health and fitness tips feel free to let me know as I'm just getting started on the journey.
I've noticed improvements already, as stated. Or if you want to start being healthy then start with water! 2L a day; then add in the heathy eating and exercise, there's no rush to do it all at once and your lifestyle isn't going to change overnight, you're introducing a new habit to your life so it'll take a bit of getting used to, but it's worth it!
love and hugs xoxo


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