Books vs Film

I have been reading the Harry Potter series for the past couple of weeks, and I highly regret not reading the books before the films- but I was never interested in reading until recently.

I have always been a film fanatic, in awe of the detail and production of storytelling. The incredible animation and shots that are produced to keep you hooked until the end. Not to mention background music that captures your attention and enhances the intensity of the scene and what is about to happen.
I studied Film and Media in college and it is always something that excited and interests me in, having grown up making movies in the good old movie maker and editing endlessly to create different short videos it is something I have always been keen to do. Now, four years later I am keen to get back into movie production I have all the resources I need to be able to follow my long lost dreams, but that is another story.

I just wanted to shed light on the background as to what type of person I am and why I am writing this post. I for one am one of those people that have only read a short list of books, but now have a long list of books I intend on reading. My reason for this post is to question if you prefer books or films, as my opinion is stuck in the middle.

Books are filled with detail, opening your imagination and creating an image in your head of what you are engaged in. Books have by far been quotes "Better than film". As I am halfway through Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire- which by the way I haven't put down since opening it - I have come to terms with the fact that books are indeed way better than the film. A book is a pack filled with loads more information and events happening that are not even put into a film- you miss out on so much! At the beginning of Goblet of Fire it is detailed about who Frank is, and in the film we are just shown an old man creeping around an abandoned home, not letting us know who he is or the background of the story. As well, in a film the character is bought to life, showing you the characters traits and physical appearance set in stone whereas a book describes the basic and only highlighting distinctive features allowing your imagination to picture a character your own way, which may be completely different to someone else' perspective of the character, giving you alittle bit more connection to the book.

To come away from my beloved JK Rowling, I have also read Safe Haven (easily my favorite book of all times) before the film. The book is gripping and I think I remember reading that in a short period more than once because I loved it too much. The same with Time Travellers Wife, The Fault in our Starts and not forgetting a book I read through watery eyes and covering the pages with my teardrops If I Stay.

A book is able to transform you into a different place and allowing your emotions to latch on to what is going on, the only problem with me is I am a visual learner and I have found while playing Trivial games that I picture scenes from the screen in my mind and can explain every detail down to a T. Whereas for reading, I forget information so easily.

I also would like to ask, what books have you read? I'm making it my challenge to obviously finish the Harry Potter series this year as well as the three books by Sarah Knight, Life changing magic of not giving an F**K, You do You and Get your S*it together which have also been getting dusty on my bookshelf for the past year. 


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