Are we ready to move in?

As the days draw closer to our move in date we’re trying to gather little bits to put into our home. 

Many people who use Pinterest will have already planned their whole life in many different boards an this is where my inspiration for projects comes from.
I am very much drawn to all things that revolve creativity so I’ve chosen some projects to work on, Like in the picture above (yes ok i’m not going to be able to build my own ladder but I can paint it to my colour scheme, right?!) 

Project number one is to make / design my own Tea, Sugar Coffee AND Hot Chocolate containers-  Enthuses on hot chocolate because WHY DO THEY NOT SELL THEM. I’ve already collected half of the bits and the rest are on order and being delivered this week so I will be able to do a step by step blog post when i’ve begun that!! fingers and toes crossed that it goes how I would like it too!!

Project number two- Organise. I absoloutly love watching Gabriella aka Velvet Gh0st on youtube and she has the most adorable home. After seeing her cereal in see through containers with labels on rather than the boxes it inspired me to do something similar, obviously with tinned things you can’t really go around the brand packaging but for flour, cereal, salt ect i’d like clean, simple storage that matches and looks good, hence the first picture at the top of this post.

Lastly, as much as my partner may not know this but i’ve claimed the small box room as my office. As a insane stationary lover I have a million and one stationary pieces in which I need to store so why not have my own little work station that i’ve always dreamed of? As a young girl i’ve longed for the day where I work in the office at my own white desk neatly covered in every stationary appliance possible- and the most obvious part a secret little snack draw because you know.. at the moment I have a canvas bag in the corner of the room- surprise!  
In this room I want my personality to shine- and with that these boho- style dream catchers are right up my street. the detail and colours are a perfect representation of my summer style and wanna be personality and I think it’ll be super cute on the wall of my office.

With paint, wallpaper and decorating bits in the boot of the car I am ready to get all hands on deck to put our stamp on the house,  the desire to create the perfect home is strong, and for those who have already got their home or those in the process of buying you know the mind set of wanting to get everything perfect straight away is SO strong. Looking at accessories and staple pieces as taken up so much of my time lately I can’t stop thinking about colour schemes, light bulbs and broadband- all the adult feels going on. 

We are lucky enough to move in at the end of winter and beginning of spring it allows us to prep for the sunshine and settle in before bbq season hits! 

 I can’t wait to bring you all along will the progress and hopefully help inspire you to redecorate, as It’s one of my favourite things to do. What’s your favourite thing in your home? 

Lots of love, 

Jacqueline x 


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