I believe a cup of tea can help solve almost everything, when you're down just grab a cup of tea, cuddle up on the sofa and relax!
A lot of people follow societies expectations and don't TRY to be happy, they just let whatever is happening, be. And no one gets anywhere because you're all caught up in what is expected of you, rather than doing whats best for yourselves. If you are unhappy, you don't need to stay unhappy or carry on with your usual routine just because you feel like you fit into a category, get your little bottom out of the pit of society and become a person full of joy and happiness. You can get YOURSELF out of anything, you don't need professional help, or facts or even much advise ,just you, yourself, a cup of tea, motivation and positivity. Oh and of course, time. It wont all come at you within a few hours or days, not even weeks. It could take months, years.. but the time is worth it, because you're creating a positive environment for yourself.
The reason you all need to get our of the state of society is because we have all been swallowed into a very negative, hateful place that is not worth a second thought, everyone is worth happiness, joy, achievements and its all here for you, you just have to go and get it. How can you be happy if you have a negative environment? you cant- clean your social media, your bedroom, your contact lists of all negativity and start from there. This is the main start to your new positive step, I have a post about ' Support and reassurance ' so check that out for a few little details.
FIND SOMETHING YOU LOVE If you enjoy doodling/sports/writing but you aren't very good, so what? start now, no professional got to where they were without practice and faults and within a few weeks or so you will be much better than you were a few weeks ago! Progress is always happening, but no one recognizes it because negativity is so focused on, and that needs to change. We need to encourage one another to keep at things we aren't doing well in, praise each other more and stick together.
If you would like to start being more positive, but you don't know where to start them you will loooove my new project (and I'D LOVE YOU BECAUSE IT'LL MEAN I GET TO START PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE) email me your address and i'll send you a little something ( a surprise) to get you started on your new little journey. * Please note this may take around a week or so as I will need to start your unique things and send them off all together when im free on weekends, so don't expect it the next day.. But I will email you little quotes in the morning to keep you upbeat and positive*
Keep your beautiful smiles bright and big, and your mind open and fresh with happiness.
Lots of love, and fairy dust

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