Week In Photos (3)

This week has gone so fast, but its been exiting!

Gosfest - Jacqueline MorbyMeerkat

1- GOSFEST KICKED OFF- Although Im yet to experience day three and four, last night was so much fun! Despite the rain, It was a really lovely evening. The food there is incredible I don't think There was a moment where food wasnt being put in my mouth!!! The music was really good, It got everyone dancing in the rain and singing.. If you didnt come because of the rain you missed out and I really hope you come along today and tomorrow! The gates open at 12:30 so get your pennies and get your family and friends down there!

2- MARWELL ZOO- I went to after months of wanting to go to the zoo, I was dissapointed they had no elephants but it was SUCH A FUN DAY. I felt like a child being all exited over the animals, especially the Meerkat as I havent seen a real one before hehe. I took my new camera! It is a really good quality camera and im so happy with it. To see what camera I have the photo is here.

3- SUNSET - When I got my camera me and my mum drove down to the beach at night and watched the sunset and snapped some really good photos, She is into photography so it was exiting for the both of us. My new camera managed to snap EVERY last little bit of the sunset, as shown in the photos. Ive never watched the sunset properly, not like this! Thre sky was light up red/pink and it was beautiful- yet freezing. next time were going to take hot chocolate and blankets.  ( To check out my mums photography click here  she is really good!!)

I have been extremely busy this week, other than these three ive pin pointed, Ive started my #JMPOSITIVEPROJECT!  If you want to get involved read this  and get involved, im so exited!

Lots of Love 


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