Ten Things
Im always writing lists of things I need to do, things I want to do and they just all end up half done, so I thought id narrow it down to ten things, I really want to achieve. Now if you're like me and you have all these amazing things you want to do but never finish any of them then you should do this too and we will see what we end up with..
1- Eat Healthy. I struggle with this, so much. since I was around thirteen my eating has been a completely life destroying part of my life and I just wish more than anything to be able to eat less unhealthy food, and start eating better in order to live a better life. I have hundreds of lists of things to do to help me eat better, but I can never stick to it, so if you have any super amazing advice or any tips then please, let me know!
2- Be Positive- Another aspect of my life that has been a terror is depression, now Im much better than I was two years ago, but its still a struggle to stay positive in hard situations. I've started a positive project to help others so hopefully while working on this I will learn to become a better person and to see the light within the darkness.
3- Stick to one thing at a time- Now i struggle with this because I always think of new exiting things to start and I never ever finish what I've started, So from now on I am going to TRY stick to one thing at a time instead of juggling loads of different things and getting no where. Im the type of person that takes on too many challenges and before I know it im back at rock bottom with only a few steps ahead of where I started.
4- Bake- I love baking! Im just not very good at it, I would love to be able to produce proper food, desserts, cupcakes, everything yummy! I may start baking once a week with new exiting recipes. I just find that even if you follow a recipe it never ever turns out the way someone else has made it and I get frustrated. But, by the end of this year (hopefully I will come out with a few good creations!)
5- Illustration & Typography - I used to love drawing but I never had enough patience when I was young and I screwed everything up when I made a mistake, but ive recently started to get into it again and I love it so much! I cant wait to learn how to do typography properly and start to produce unique things of my own!
6- Interact - Something I need to do more is talk to other bloggers, I read lots of posts and I never comment on them, I don't know why that is but its such a bad habit, I love so many of your blogs I just get embarrassed to comment, so from now I will comment on every post I read. And join in more twitter chats and things, as the blogging community is so friendly
7- Organisation - Im good at organisation but It could definitely be improved by a lot, I find that I have loads of loose paper around my desk with no specific place for them to stay, I recently got a desk so I can now sort out where everything goes and tidy up my work space a bit more, rather than having folders and bits and bobs all over my room, Id also like to start scheduling posts as ive seen this helps people a lot more than coming home from work and trying to write a post while being exhausted!
8 - Try Sushi - This is a random one, I've never tried sushi but id like to, I always look at it like 'that looks nice, but im not eating raw fish' so one day I will pluck up the courage to try what I have been avoiding for a long time.
9- Do Yoga - I LOVE YOGA! I used to do it a lot but recently I've been so energy-less and tired I just haven't been motivated, but I really want to start getting my bum into gear and get a little bit fitter and free, the idea of meditating and doing yoga daily really interests me and its something ive always wanted to do, and I can start in the comfort of my own home so there's literally nothing but tiredness that's stopping me, why am I so lazy
10- Own A MacBook / iMac- I am not the type of person to spend loads of money on one thing, especially as I have a working laptop but I want an iMac more than any other technology product, They're so nice and just ah I dont want to fork out and have no money just because of a laptop/iMac but I will.. one day.
Ok so they're my ten things, what are yours?
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